Gabions are rectangular cages made of hexagonal double twister heavy galvanized, 5 twists mesh for gabions and 3 twists mesh for mattress or coated with pvc sleeve 0.4 – 0.6 mm. thickness, wire mesh. Reinforcement is provided by heavy selvedge wires along the edge of the mesh.Crates are divided into 1 m compartments which restrict movement of the filling material. The crates themselves are wired to each other as each is placed in position.
Mattress is a shaped version of the gabion which used for lining work but mesh and wire size are smaller than that used to manufacture the gabions.
Gabions and mattress are delivered to the site semi-assembled. After erecting and wiring-up , each cage is filled with suitable stone to form a designed structure used for erosion resistane such as retaining wall, river banks, revertment shape protection, channel linings, piers and other structures.